STAR 3Micron

Contributes to the workability and durability of high strength concrete.

STAR 3Micron is an environmentally sustainable Class F ultrafine fly ash that provides a reactive surface area, generating higher early strength and lowering permeability. The size-classified ultrafine ash offers unique advantages for high-performance cementitious applications and increased durability for aggressive environments.

STAR 3Micron imparts many of the desirable hardened concrete traits associated with highly reactive pozzolans without increasing workability and placement demands. The ultrafine fly ash reduces water demand and superplasticizer demand compared with cement-only mixes. No special batching, transportation, or placement and finishing operations are required.

Ultrafine Fly Ash For
High-Performance Concrete

Specific Gravity2.3
Bulk Density60 lb/ft3
Mohs Hardness6

STAR 3Micron Properties

  • Improved Early Strength Gain

  • Typical Median particle size 3-5 micron

  • Improved Workability

  • Lowered Water Demand

  • Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR)

  • Reduced Segregation

  • Reduced Chloride Ingress

  • Improved Sulfate Resistance

  • Reduced Bleeding and Drying Shrinkage

  • Reduced Heat of Hydration

  • Reduced Efflorescence

  • Improved Resistivity

  • Resistance in Marine and Aggressive Environments

  • Decreased Permeability

When Your
Projects Demand More

  • Bridge Decks

  • Overlays

  • Parking Garages

  • Pavements

  • Marine Environment Projects

Ideal Applications